The Most Adorable Grandchild Ever and her Nana
Hi, I’m Trish!
Are you looking for delicious plant-based, oil-free, gluten-free recipes? Maybe you’re new to the vegan whole foods way of eating and need some guidance? Do you have some health problems that you are hoping to reverse?
No meat, no dairy, no gluten, no oil…what’s left?!?
So much deliciousness!
I love to share my recipes, my cooking tips and all the things that I have learned about cooking and eating this health-restoring way.
I am a mom to two amazing women and a Nana to the cutest, smartest and funniest grandchild ever (said every grandmother in the history of mankind) and they have inspired me to share my love of plant-based cooking with all of you. My own mom has always looked for the healthiest way to cook and feed her family and she has been my lifelong inspiration.
I wasn’t raised with what I would consider the Standard American Diet (SAD). My mom was one of those “healthfood” moms and I got my sandwiches on homemade whole grain bread with alfalfa sprouts. It was often tuna or left-over turkey or chicken that she’d roasted herself. At the time I wished for Wonder bread with bologna like my friends had, but I eventually realized how much better my food was and how lucky I was to have a mom that cooked real food for me.
It took me a long time to learn that meat, dairy and eggs were not good for people, but now I know better and I can do better. And I can help YOU do better. That’s what I’m here for.