Why Are You Here?|Your Mom’s Vegan
Why are you here? I don’t mean that in a questioning your existence sort of way. I mean here, as in on a vegan blog written by middle aged vegan mom.
Maybe your mom’s not vegan. Maybe you want to be and need to have someone like a mom that you can go to with questions.
Are you vegan, but maybe a junk food vegan and you’re hoping to start eating a more whole food…real food…diet?
Have you heard a bit about Dr. McDougall’s way of eating that is high in starch, low in fat that excludes oils and most processed foods? Are you interested in learning how to cook and eat this way daily?
Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe you want to reverse a lifestyle type of disease like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, MS, Lupus, colitis, Crohn’s, etc.
Maybe you are vegan just for the animals and you’re just looking for some support with the food side of things because you need to stay healthy too.
That’s why I’m here. That’s why I started this blog. I want to help people do what I have done by learning to cook food that is tasty and good for our bodies. I’ll be your vegan mom. Or daughter. Or friend.
So tell me what you need. And I’ll try to point you to recipes (mine and other vegan bloggers), articles that explain the science behind this way of eating and anything else that will help you achieve your health-related goals.
Use the Contact Me button at the top of the page to ask me anything related to my choice to live a plant-based, oil-free, gluten-free vegan diet. I’d love to hear your questions and concerns and I’d love to help you on your journey to a healthful, compassionate life.
Hi there Trish! I’m Kathy from the vegan group on Facebook. Ever since I had my daughter last may I have had a very difficult time losing belly fat, as a personal trainer it’s frustrating 😓, I believe it’s my eating habits. I need guidance in eating a healthier whole food vegan diet. I look up recipes but some seem to complicated with crazy ingredients I can’t get in my local store. I have found a few recently I enjoy but I would like to learn more. Thank you for your time 🙂
Hi Kathy! I’m happy to help you with recipes and direct you to the information that helped me. When I first became vegan I only lost about 10 lbs and I thought that was the best I could do at my age. Funny how we are brainwashed to believe that we can’t expect to be as healthy and fit as when we are in our 20’s! When I stumbled upon Dr. McDougall’s book, The Starch Solution, I was skeptical and had all the ingrained beliefs that had been pounded into my head for years…carbs are bad!…we need fat!…olive oil is good for us!…
What Dr. McDougall (and several other plant-based doctors) were saying was the opposite. I decided to give it a try after reading many studies. And I lost 20lbs in about 2-3 months without a minute of hunger. I had more energy than I’d had for most of my adult years. My joints stopped aching. My mom was able to get off of her medications for her severe Rheumatoid arthritis. The list goes on.
As far as recipes go, you don’t need to do complicated things. Batch cooking a few things every week will make life easier. Keeping it simple is completely doable. Some of my recipes are a bit more complicated than you might want to do. I understand. I can point you to some other bloggers for more recipes to look at if you like. In the meantime, look up Dr. McDougall’s website and look at his info. There are recipes there also…but I find them a bit boring 🙂
Feel free to email me anytime or message me on FB and I’ll be happy to help however I can. admin@yourmomsvegan.com
Hello Trish! I’m glad to have found your site. I’m in the process now of going vegan.I have just a few meat and dairy items left which I intend to use before lent this year and have planned to go meat,dairy,egg and gluten free for lent and vegan for life. I’m feeling good about making the commitment to do it though I’m a bit fearful of explaining to family and friends. I want to do it for the animals,environment and myself; to live a more compassionate lifestyle. I’m in my fifties and have arthritis, gerd, and copd, but am doing better the more i change my lifestyle. I eat less gluten than I used to but want to cut it all out for a while at least to see how it will help my conditions. And I’ve lost about thirty pounds over the last two years but still have a pot belly I would like to shed. I’m hoping to alleviate my conditions even more by doing so. I’m enjoying vegan foods and cooking more all the time and look forward to trying some of your recipes.
Hi Kelly! I’m so glad that you are moving towards a vegan/plant-based way of eating. It’s one of the best decisions that I’ve made in my life. I can tell you that my mom was able to get rid of GERD and also get off of her meds for severe rheumatoid arthritis by adopting this way of eating. Eliminating oils was the key for her in both GERD and arthritis. I understand the fear around explaining the change to family and friends. Many people are upset when the “normal” way of doing something is challenged. Many people feel guilty about their own lifestyle when listening to someone who is trying to make healthful changes. My best advice is to have your reasons…your “why”…ready to tell them. I find that the best response to negative reactions is to just calmly say that you want to do what is best for your body, the environment, and the animals and that your research has led you to this way of eating and you plan to give it time to find out if it works for you.
I hope you try some of my recipes while you explore this lifestyle. Thank you for writing!
Thanks for your advice Trish! I went to a family get together for the superbowl and was questioned about going vegan since I had talked to one of my sisters about it already. It went well and I told them I’m still in the process but feeling good about it and will see how it goes. I was questioned about protein to which I replied there’s protein in vegetables and grains and beans which is enough if we just eat the right things. I was still offered shrimp and meat and pound cake and potato salad with eggs and I’m proud to say I said no thanks to all of it. And I even briefly discussed with one of my nieces, the dairy industry and the plight of the cows and the calves.and how sad it is.
I’m so glad it went well with your family. It’s sometimes hard to help people understand why you are making a different choice than they are without ruffling feathers. It sounds like you did a good job. Way to go on your keeping to your commitment!
I love reading comments like this! I hope all continues to go well for you. My mom was able to get off of her meds for rheumatoid arthritis when we eliminated all oils. Going plant-based helped, but it was the elimination of all oils that made the most difference for her.